Que me amat, amet et canem meum.
Saint Bernard of Clairvaux.
Sermo Primus
20 December 2006
What mighty conquests rise from trivial things
Have been thinking bigthoughts recently. It starts with me having a huge blank canvas and a paint brush in my hand......I add me and mini me in the middle......
it's interesting why you have drawn arms up rather than down as is the norm. also the slightly offside head on each figure would suggest you are quite busy at the moment.
What this picture needs is: A chair you recently purchased and are amazed at how comfortable it is. It is carefully placed in a garden you are getting to know whilst you wonder about how different the sky looks here. You also wonder how you got the skate ramp here. Isn't the future exciting?
it's interesting why you have drawn arms up rather than down as is the norm. also the slightly offside head on each figure would suggest you are quite busy at the moment.
russell grant
you kill me, smiff!
What this picture needs is: A chair you recently purchased and are amazed at how comfortable it is. It is carefully placed in a garden you are getting to know whilst you wonder about how different the sky looks here. You also wonder how you got the skate ramp here. Isn't the future exciting?
There is room for sausages on either side of you and mini-me. i suggest Wild Boar on the left and possibly Mushroom and Tarragon on the right.
Alternatively, pair of skis and a snowboard? I'm thinking basic shapes here because from the look of your initial sketch...
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