7 October 2005



This has to be the most amazing link I've ever seen! It's a webcam onto a pond in Botswana. Don't forget to turn up the volume. I sit for 15 minutes every night watching this before I go to bed. Things at the pond are livlier during the day but I've seen an elephant washing itself and some kind of deer creatures walking around in the evening. In the day I've seen these massive birds chasing each other about. I wish I knew what they all were. It's compulsive viewing! Hope you enjoy it as much as I am.


Anonymous said...

gosh, it's almost like 'anonymous' has a hidden agenda...

kumquat said...

almost, yeah!

i really don't want to add that character recognition thing to my site but I may have to if it persists. It's the awful grammar that I find most distasteful ;)

Anonymous said...

Take it as a backhanded compliment. They must think enough people read your site that its worth a bit of comment spam!
The grammar is truly terrible, but then my Russian is pretty poor as well. :-)

Anonymous said...

Follow the link!! - the site offers "The Interim Monetary System of Heaven on Earth". Sounds mighty impressive to me, I am sure that they are legitimate. Not