3 December 2004


my life is one long stream of unabated glamour.

today i put books on shelves in my kids section. i put stickers on promotional books. i feigned interest in dozens of customers. i made the significant decision to make my top zigzag shelf of audio a multi-author space. i'm sorry if that intimidates you! maybe you should just try and keep up with me. i work hard, i play hard. i get the results i want. don't be jealous that i've made it to these heights. the position of responsibility i hold isn't something to be taken up lightly, on a whim as it were. oh no. so go BACK to your job, ASSESS where you're going wrong, DO some HARD thinking, make some INTELLIGENT choices and THEN, only THEN you may come here, to my blog, raise a finger of criticism at the WAY I STACK MY SHELVES. DO YOU HEAR??

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