27 June 2007

365 & Nasi Goreng

Mini-me made another 10/10 meal last night. Nasi Goreng. An indonesian rice dish. He scrapped the ingredients he didn't like and added a couple of cinnamon sticks for the fun of it. It was incredibly good. Really succulent chicken and softened red pepper slices that had taken all the flavour of the garlic and spices. We ate it watching Gordon Ramsay cooking with Gok Wan and then finished our meal with strawberries and creme fraiche while Gordon made baked alaska.
I also took the hound out for the first time with my bike which was such fun. He's a bit wary of getting too close but once off the lead he bounds along next to me :) Although I did have to spend a great deal of time stopping so he could sniff things!

25 June 2007

a lot of catching up

Greetings pop pickers. Sorry it's been so long. Am in the process of moving mini-me into the library and redecorating his den for a lodger who is due to arrive on Thursday THIS week!!!!! The computer is still in the library so access is restricted for adults.

A couple of Big Brother refuseniks have told me in the last month or so that they are still visiting here so I will try and keep things interesting.

I have a bike. I collected it today. Yes, gripping.

OK, move on. I have pumpkins growing in the back garden and my fennel is over 7 foot now. An interesting looking weed that i took the decision not to pull out at the beginning of the season is now about 6 foot tall and boasting some interesting flowers. The garden has become overgrown to such a delightful extent that i could hide behind the twisted willow and not be seen from 4 foot away.

However, a number of days later as I was out there with the hose pipe i heard NOISES from the garden that could only be our friendly infestation of rats. On balance I probably won't be crawling behind the willow again to prove how dense the undergrowth is.

Work continues undiminished as sickness and holiday strikes leaving me working all the hours the good lord sends. Hey ho. We have an event on the web site for this Saturday evening and if I haven't sold more tickets by tomorrow night you can all look forward to a personal summons arriving in your inboxes within 24 hours!

Church is fab, mini-me is too cool for words and this Botrytis Semillon Riverina Australian dessert wine from Tesco's finest range is a high 2. Mmm, I think I've got time for a second small glass before I go out to Villa Rosa for dinner with the planet's coolest friends.

a bientot mes amis.
